call steward

The Call Steward system is designed to streamline work opportunities.  You can access the calendar which gives you insight on what events we do, businesses we work with, and basic information about a job call you are assigned.

Getting Started:

  • You will receive a password reset link from which is the web-based application that IATSE Local 18 uses for scheduling/referring crew for work at all venues.
    • Please login and fill out the information for your profile as completely as possible. 
    • You will be able to receive SMS text messages or emails for work shifts offered and then login to confirm, pass or decline calls. 
    • Support : Help Desk ( is the help desk with FAQs and information on logging in and how to accept or decline offered shifts.
    • Confirm = you will be at this work call, 15 minutes early and ready to work.
    • Pass = for some reason you aren’t available for the call offered, but can still work that day.
    • Decline = you are not available and you will not be offered any work on that day.
  • Confirm, Pass, or Decline ASAP – do NOT sit on a work call offer.  Upon receiving a text on your phone, go into the app, click on the down arrow/triangle to expand the call information.  Click on confirm, pass or decline.
  • Put in your Vacation/Availability.
    • Put in times you have conflicts and are not available to work.  This helps the dispatchers know that if they send you work, you are actually available.
  • Import calls into your calendar.  There is a $5 annual fee to have your calls automatically imported into your calendar.  This is money well spent.  Don’t miss a call because you were confused!  Be on top of your game and know when you are working.
  • Sometimes call times change.  When this happens, you will be notified and will have to reconfirm.  It is expected that you will reconfirm this call, but if the change of time turns into a conflict for you, decline immediately so that we can fill the call with someone else.

Our dispatchers work very hard to get the jobs imported into Call Steward and sent out to you.  Support them by responding quickly to work calls. Do not contact dispatchers on off hours.  

 Be respectful and mindful towards the people that work to make sure you get work.

The Union Behind The Curtain At the Shows You Love